An Organization's web site is a great way to Expand, keep members informed, and attract a broader audience by introducing itself
to the community. The Knights of Pythagoras will use this site to inform people about our organization , promote membership,
and organize events and activities.
The Knights of Pythagoras is a youth group for boys 12 to 20 years of age who believe in the Supreme Being and are of
good character and reputation. The order is devoted to the Christian principles of freedom, justice, and equality under law
for all human beings. The order promotes these ideals, together with love of God, parents and country.
The Prince Hall Grand Council of Pa Order of Knights of Pythagoras is a youth organization sponsered by The Most
Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Pa F&AM The Knights of Pythagoras is not a junior masonic organization
but is only overseen by Master Masons with outstanding dedication to the order
The Cardinal Virtues of a Knight are Adoration and Reverence for God, Love of Parents, Righteous Thinking, Purity, Patriotism,
Toleration, Courtesy, Friendship and Constancy